Bio Aromatherapy

I had the privilege of discovering ,over 22 years ago, aromatherapy with none other than Ms. Mainguy, founder of Aliksir (now the aromatherapy economuseum in Quebec), while she was still teaching around her kitchen table! This heart transmission fueled my desire to know more the wonderful world of essential oils and their healing properties.

Learning how to take better care of my young daughter and be able to pass on valuable advices to my dear customers ignited a full spectrum of aromatherapy trainings in the beginning of the 2000’s. Whether with Maurice Nicole and Stéphanie Plamondon in scientific aromatherapy, in family aroma with Michel Turbide, with the Aliksir & Zayat gurus (Lucie & Mikaël) in energy and spiritual aromatherapy or more recently in the history of perfumes with Véronik Tanguay, founder of the Jardins de Vie academy, all of those teachings allowed me to learn from the top aromatherapists in Quebec.

Both Family or “Aroma 101″ 2h workshop’s aim to demystifying and better understand how these vibrational essential oils & hydrolats can be used safely and effectively on all family members.

Providing simple tools to better understand the benefits of essential oils and learn to use them in your daily life to support health and vitality are the foundations of my personalized teaching. Those workshop can be taught virtually, in Rawdon or at other location.

I wish to learn more & understand better

Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec

Adapted workshop for companies

knowledge for your organisation/employees
specific themes & clientele

I offer customized workshops and conference for companies interested in offering learning opportunities and valuable knowledge to optimise the wellbeing of their employees. By promoting the importance of their overall health, institutions gain respect of their working teams and enhance the sense of belonging and productivity.

I also teach to other organizations such as O.S.B.L., schools and C.L.S.C.’s interested in demystifying aromatherapy and learning how to use it safely and effectively. I am happy to bring my workshop to you, in person or virtually, feel free to contact me 😉

© Copyright - Ann-Marie Provencher