Light Channeling

Canalisation Lumière is the result of a personal, professional and spiritual quest.

My energetic approach dates back to 2004 when I received the Reiki transmissions up to master level as well as completed the training in Polarity and Therapeutic Touch. Initiated in 2018, I am pursuing an extended program in channelling called Tianshi (angels). I am humbled & fascinated by this universe of endless possibilities, power & great gentleness. Also by all the Love that is transmitted.  A gentle sensation of well-being is often felt during these sessions.

Light channeling & energy treatment remains a balm for the body, soul, heart and mind.

Reading of oracle cards

May our boundless nature be nourished by heavenly light and a will to shine.

I am moved every time I do a reading, whatever for who or what. Divine guidance is always present in the cards!

These readings are unpretentious with multiple decks of cards. An in-depth reading last  90 minutes and is usually done on one subject but can also be used to cover various topic.

 It is possible to combine a mini-reading with an energy treatment and / or a massage in the same appointment ( let me know before the date of your massage).

I LOVE using this medium to channel meaningful responses, inspire, reassure, confirm the messages of our little inner voice and divinely guide a possible path.

We always receive what is best for us because ultimately it is the beings of light who transmit their beneficent energy.

I also use aromatherapy, crystals, singing bowls, sacred geometry as well as mantras, depending on guidance and requests. The ultimate goal is to transcend blockages and raise the vibration. A gentle sensation of well-being is often felt during these sessions.

Whether you need to relax your nervous system, harmonize your energy centers, receive divine guidance, or perhaps are going through a difficult moment, all reasons are good for treating yourself to receive a shower of divine energy and information.

© Copyright - Ann-Marie Provencher