Bio Yoga

I am a professionally trained therapist in massage, aromatherapy, herbal remedies, doula & yoga. I’ve been practicing alternate healing medicines with passion and dedication since 1995, sharing my knowledge at my Rawdon clinic, or travelling abroad to gain higher skills and experience.

I am a certified yoga instructor since 2010 & accumulated so far 800 hrs. Trained internationally in vinyasa “pranaflow” with world renown yoga teacher Shiva Rea as well as with other Yoga Masters  such as Dharma Mittra (New York) from whom I received knowledge in classical yoga & philosophyAsthanga master Darby (a direct student from Indian guru Sri K. Pattabhi Jois) taught me the art of alignment, Todd Norian (founder of Ashaya Yoga) enhanced the therapeutic approach in yoga while martial artist Cameron Shayne (founder of budokon) gave me the extra “oumf” when I teach a yang/power class!

I am also a certified pre/postnatal yoga instructor since 2010 trained by Shiva Rea (U.S.A.) and Sophie Desjardins from Yoga Maternité (Montréal,Qc.).

Every guru with whom I studied has blessed me with enlightening knowledge of this thousand-year old wisdom and my teachings are infused with all of them.

Fédération Francophone de Yoga
Association des Naturothérapeutes du Québec
Réseau des massothérapeutes professionnels du Québec
Paddle Canada
Paddle Canada
Canadian Red Cross Certification

During winter 2017, I spent over a month in south India at the Yogshala school during an intensive hatha /asthanga & ayurveda teacher training. While in Kerela, I also had the privilege to privately study with no other than international champion Akichan Vimal the basics of the most ancient martial art style: kalaripattayu. In 2019, I trained in advanced restorative yoga with beautiful Anne Wanda Tessier.

My training in yoga/dance with Megha at Kripalu Institute, dance-trance with main teacher Shiva or my intense privilege of having been a student of Amrita Choudhury (NrityaYoga) in classical tantric yoga of dance have infused me with the art of mouvement and flow. 

Aum Shanti to those sacred yogini lineage

My yoga classes are original, fun and inspired by the cycle of seasons, the 5 elements and consciousness embodiment. I like to bring a special flavour to my sequencing with a selected blend of music to enhance the body’s movements fluidity & the symbolism of Hindu mythology to create empowering and soulful experiences.

Everyone, no matter their physical condition, can evolve gracefully in this “inner and outer gymnastic”.

© Copyright - Ann-Marie Provencher