Treat yourself to a moment of rejuvenation: Heart-Body-Mind

Oxygenate your body with pure fresh air during beautiful meditative walks on our private trails.

Rest your body & mind with restorative yoga and nidra sessions.

Contemplate nature while relaxing in a hamac, sitting by the fire or in the outdoor spas.

Be present & Breathe 

Restore your balance with grounding practices 

Inspire your being with the wisdom of the yoga sutras.

Support your immunity with medicinal plants.

Learn the art of aromatherapy and how to use it properly

Raise your vibration  yoga practices, mantra chanting, rituals and mindful meditations

Reconnect with your own true nature ♥

Treat yourself to a moment of rejuvenation: Heart-Body-Mind

Oxygenate your body with pure fresh air during beautiful meditative walks on our private trails.

Rest your body & mind with restorative yoga and nidra sessions.

Contemplate nature while relaxing in a hamac, sitting by the fire or in the outdoor spas.

Be present & Breathe 

Restore your balance with grounding practices 

Inspire your being with the wisdom of the yoga sutras.

Support your immunity with medicinal plants.

Learn the art of aromatherapy and how to use it properly

Raise your vibration  yoga practices, mantra chanting, rituals and mindful meditations

Reconnect with your own true nature ♥

I am trilled to invite you to rest & restore in the beautiful setting of Estonia log cabin & spa

Part of Lanaudiere region; Rawdon, just a hour north from Montreal, rich for its nature, lakes and waterfalls; my home base  for the last 19 years.

Let yourself be seduced for a weekend, breathe fresh air and gaze in silence.

A well deserved break after autumn’s pace and before the festive season.

Each of the 8 fully redesigned rooms have its own private bathroom and will offer you all the comfort you need during your retreat. Whether it is to share meals, for your workshops or simply to relax, a warm and cozy main room with a cathedral roof awaits you.

Nestled in the mountains, Estonia offers you a vast & private outdoor surrounding where you can relax in their outdoor spa area or walk in their nature trails. A peaceful and inviting place for nature lovers.

 Occupancy can be both single or double.

I am trilled to invite you to rest & restore in the beautiful setting of Estonia log cabin & spa

Part of Lanaudiere region; Rawdon, just a hour north from Montreal, rich for its nature, lakes and waterfalls; my home base  for the last 19 years.

Let yourself be seduced for a weekend, breathe fresh air and gaze in silence.

A well deserved break after autumn’s pace and before the festive season.

Each of the 8 fully redesigned rooms have its own private bathroom and will offer you all the comfort you need during your retreat. Whether it is to share meals, for your workshops or simply to relax, a warm and cozy main room with a cathedral roof awaits you.

Nestled in the mountains, Estonia offers you a vast & private outdoor surrounding where you can relax in their outdoor spa area or walk in their nature trails. A peaceful and inviting place for nature lovers.

 Occupancy can be both single or double.

Your host: Ann-Marie 😉

A mix of medecin woman, fairy, empress and humble student of life, I passionately flow through my journey with a lot of audacity and instinct!

Nature and its elements are my greatest gurus. Their wisdom is immense and profound. My soul restored every time I sit in it’s pure energy. I draw my strength and find balance from it. My mind rests and marvels at so much beauty. My body is activated with all the choice of seasonal activities. My heart always reminds me to reconnect to this source of abundance, peace, power and magic. 

Adventurer: for 34 years I have humbly traveled the world in search of discoveries and enriching human encounters. My atypical journey is filled with humility and courage.

Inspired: masso-aroma-yoga therapist; a 27 years holistic journey of learning about natural ways to improve global health that became a way of living. (see bios)

 Passionate: I am excited to share with you my love for yoga, essential oils, medicinal herbs, and rejuvanating rituals in this holistic retreat made with all my heart and powerful transmissions.

Your host: Ann-Marie 😉

A mix of medecin woman, fairy, empress and humble student of life, I passionately flow through my journey with a lot of audacity and instinct!

Nature and its elements are my greatest gurus. Their wisdom is immense and profound. My soul restored every time I sit in it’s pure energy. I draw my strength and find balance from it. My mind rests and marvels at so much beauty. My body is activated with all the choice of seasonal activities. My heart always reminds me to reconnect to this source of abundance, peace, power and magic. 

Adventurer: for 34 years I have humbly traveled the world in search of discoveries and enriching human encounters. My atypical journey is filled with humility and courage.

Inspired: masso-aroma-yoga therapist; a 27 years holistic journey of learning about natural ways to improve global health that became a way of living. (see bios)

 Passionate: I am excited to share with you my love for yoga, essential oils, medicinal herbs, and rejuvanating rituals in this holistic retreat made with all my heart and powerful transmissions.

Info & Reservation

Price of retreat includes: Friday to Sunday accommodation at the beautiful Estonia resort, all vegetarian meals & Sunday brunch, aromatherapy workshop, full moon ritual, cocoa ceremony, 6 class of  yoga & meditation.

Dos not include: Friday night dinner (if you want to arrive earlier) – oracle card reading & energy treatment – taxes

Please bring:  warm clothes for outside – walking boots or outdoor shoes – bathing suit & flip flops for spa – comfy clothes for yoga, blocs, strap & yoga mat, meditation cushion and blanket, You can rent a yoga kit for the weekend including all of the above for $25.

Limited space 8-12 participants: $595. +tx  (double occ.) $775. (single occ.) /3 day retreat (2 nights)   $360. deposit per participant to reserve your place . The balance can be paid up to 15 days before the retreat (maximum 16th October) .

Reserve Here 😉 Single Occupancy or Double Occupancy

Cancellation policy: The amount paid will be refunded (minor a fee of $50.) until the 16th of October. After this date your payment will be refunded as soon as another participant reserve your room. A minimum of 8 participant is needed to confirm the retreat.

Info & Reservation

Price of retreat includes: Friday to Sunday accommodation at the beautiful Estonia resort, all vegetarian meals & Sunday brunch, aromatherapy workshop, full moon ritual, cocoa ceremony, 6 class of  yoga & meditation.

Dos not include: Friday night dinner (if you want to arrive earlier) – oracle card reading & energy treatment – taxes

Please bring:  warm clothes for outside – walking boots or outdoor shoes – bathing suit & flip flops for spa – comfy clothes for yoga, blocs, strap & yoga mat, meditation cushion and blanket, You can rent a yoga kit for the weekend including all of the above for $25.

Limited space 8-12 participants: $595. +tx  (double occ.) $775. (single occ.) /3 day retreat (2 nights)   $360. deposit per participant to reserve your place. The balance can be paid up to 15 days before the retreat (maximum 20th October) .

Reserve Here 😉 Single Occupancy or Double Occupancy

Cancellation policy: The amount paid will be refunded (minor a fee of $50.) until the 16th of October. After this date your payment will be refunded as soon as another participant reserve your room. A minimum of 8 participant is needed to confirm the retreat.


Overview of retreat

Friday: arrival between 4h and 6h30 p.m:  free to enjoy the place and eat your lunch

7h. – 9 pm: presentation & beginning of retreat, yin yoga & relaxation


7 – 8 a.m.: Morning meditation & yoga

8 – 10 a.m.: Breakfast

10 – noon: 5 elements yoga

Noon – 3 p.m.: Lunch + free time (spa, walk in nature, nap time 😉

45 min. Oracle cards readings  (2 spots available upon reservation)

3h – 5h45: Aromatherapy workshop

6 – 7 p.m: dinner

7h15 – 8h15 p.m.: fire purification ritual

8h30 à 9h30: pyjama yoga 😉


8h30 – 11h30 a.m.: cacao ceremony

Noon – 1 p.m.: Brunch

2 p.m: Check out

Overview of retreat

Friday: arrival between 4h and 6h30 p.m:  free to enjoy the place and eat your lunch

7h. – 9 pm: presentation & beginning of retreat, yin yoga & relaxation


7 – 8 a.m.: Morning meditation & yoga

8 – 10 a.m.: Breakfast

10 – noon: 5 elements yoga

Noon – 3 p.m.: Lunch + free time (spa, walk in nature, nap time 😉

45 min. Oracle cards readings  (2 spots available upon reservation)

3h – 5h45: Aromatherapy workshop

6 – 7 p.m: dinner

7h15 – 8h15 p.m.: fire purification ritual

8h30 à 9h30: pyjama yoga 😉


8h30 – 11h30 a.m.: cacao ceremony

Noon – 1 p.m.: Brunch

2 p.m: Check out

© Copyright - Ann-Marie Provencher