I can create private & group yoga workshops worldwide, from one day to a week, on diverse topics like solstice & equinox, seasons & elements, nature and moon cycles, ayurveda & chinese medecine. Included: breathing techniques & meditation, restorative / yin yoga & power flow, dance-trance & chamanic rituals, massage & self care, natural beauty rituals, herbal remedies & aromatherapy, ayurveda & chinese medecine.

Catered for both beginners & advanced depending on customer base and specific needs.

Yoga, often translated by the word union, offers a wonderful opportunity to practice in tandem and experience unity in the shared experience. Yoga when practiced with a partner, encourages listening to each other with an open heart and helps to create balance & harmony in the postures. Trust & respect become the foundation of the practice and help us to overcome fear and limitations both physically and emotionally. The art of letting go happens at a deep level when we feel supported by the authenticity of our partner … that’s when the magic happens!

Collaboration, pleasure and fun is at the heart of Tandem Yoga

© Copyright - Ann-Marie Provencher